19th December
That's my birthday present I gave myself.
New hairstyle and colour, sick and tired of my long long hair and
that colour.
They said I look like my Mum after I got this hairstyle.

Look alike meh? O.O
Maybe somehow la, how can I do look like my Mum when she's my Mum. LOL.
Went out to catch a movie w my babe Jocelyn!
Love this photo! Got feeling one~
I had thanks all of my friends via fb and I'm gonna to post my dedication here
for YOU. :D
Thanks for being my friend since sec1. Numerous memories we had tgt. :)
All those girls talk about so much things.
It's like we can talk about the whole world and non stop.
We had a lot of common interest, topics etc.
You really can read me like a book.
I don't have to elaborate much and
you know what I'm thinking and what I want.
Really thank you being there for me, giving me those advices
and concern when I was really down during those major difficult periods.
Thanks for the present, the movie treat, surprise and lastly your company
for these years. Really thank you so much. :D
Headed home after the movie and it's kinda late.
I rushed back to cut cake w my family members.
I insisted on buying a cake because I haven't had
a bdae cake since I was sec1.
Being very irritating, I also insisted them to cut cake for my birthday.
On my way home, as it's already getting late I called Mum.
Me: If you're tired just turn in and sleep, don't need to wait for me.
Mum: Nvm la, if you coming back then we wait lor.
Me: No la, if you all are really tired can go sleep one.
Mum: Ok.
So I opened my door quietly because I saw those light in the living room off,
then suddenly
Dad, Mum and Sis came out w my cake!
Awwwww, so sweet. <333

18th December
Went E2max and Clarke Quay to drink to celebrate my birthday w them!
I drank too much on that day, vomited. Damn gross la.
Lucky I'm not drunk. :)
Had fun too! :)

TBC. :)