Studying period then exam then fyp. It's seems like I have a
task to fulfill everyday.
Went Butter w my new group of girls whom I just know from COMEX.
Was kinda bored hence we hoped over to Rebel to find Huimin's friend.
I bumped into Melvin and Junyang and their friends!
Was damn high when I saw them, maybe I was a lil tipsy by then.
I love Ladies Night man.
Sidney Samson was spinning at Zouk on Friday night!
Headed down w Rachel, her cousin, her bf and her bf's friend.
Awesome night too!
Gonna head down Rebel w my Babe this Wednesday!
Havent been clubbing w her for so long.
All the best to her for her promos and upcoming A level! MUACKS~
How time flies, next sunday is my Cousin's wedding already!
I dont know when I feel the twinge of happiness and excitement.
I also know I'm not the one.
It's just that the staircase to a marriage is a very steep one.
From knowing someone>dating>fling>getting into r/s>married
is a very DIFFICULT. You can know someone, date and fling.
If it turns out good you will get into a r/s.
After getting into a r/s it's a different thing, everything comes into the picture.
Compromise, understand, commitment etc.....
Those that are able to do it will be able to live with a happy ending.
Having each other as spouse.
That's why I personally feel that it's not easy to go through
all these small but significant steps.
Still, I feel very happy for my cousin! Happy Marriage! ^^
I'm anticipating it. :)