Can you spot me ?

Formal wear !!!
Ysd all of us wore formal for TCS presentation.
I think I was the only who did something embrarrasing.
I hand over my slides to Xinhui, when it is still my slide.
OMG ~~~~
I dont know what was I doing !
But the whole class, even the lecturers start laughing.
Damn paiseh, but nvm its over already.
Today was a tiring day, I dont know why I went school when
the weather is so good.
Was supposed to watch Ice Age 3 with Xinhui & Huimin,
the timing was too late because Xinhui got to go back to school afterwards.
I bought a top and a necklace.
I was so HAPPY that I had bought my necklace!!!!
Bought some pastries home for my family.
I am a GOOD daughter & sister !
Life is so tiring
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