Now I know why I like solitary, I finally know why.
I know it is nice to be in group with friends.
I know it is nice to have somebody to accompany.
But sometimes I hate compromising, it makes me
feel uncomfortable && not myself.
I began to love solitary more && more.
Because I don't feel burden && stressed.
I can be myself, every sec, minute, hour.
It is the freedom that I love.
Freedom of peaceful mind.
After dinner, Dad went to fetch Mum from work,
so I suggested going out && have a nice chat.
We headed to the beach && have our chatting.
It had been months since all of us sat down && chat.
I was very very very elated.
No word can describe how I was feeling.
I really cherish those moments I had.
I LOVE MY FAMILY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe what people said is true, up to a certain age
you will think that your family is the
most important thing to you.
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