We took this photo, because Shuhuey say that legs
look slimmer & longer in this mirror. HAHAHA !
Didnt go sch, I think it's a waste of time to go for 1hr 30mins.
I am lazy, I know it myself.
Meet Huimin, Meilin & Shuhuey at Dover and headed to IKEA.
Had a lot fun looking at the items there.
Telling each other our stories when we are looking at those items.
I think we're very noisy, chatting and laughing.
Our our bus journey back to Jurong East with Meilin & Huimin,
we pass by Science Centre we decided to go for DaVinci Exibition.
We went there quite at 4plus and the exibition ends at 6,
I didnt really spend enough time there.
If I have a chance I will definitely go there again, because I didnt
really see everything !!
I have to go again because I want to buy the Da Vinci Programme book
which come with the poster and the bag. (I brought insufficent $)
I was really fascinated by him, he's really a Genius !
An Artist, Inventor, Scientist.
He dissected 30 people on the research for anatomy.
I was so shocked by the dissection, but the drawing of the human body is so real.
Other than this, the famous drawing Mona Lisa was not perfect
in his eyes.
He spent years on that drawing, but yet he still didnt completed
the drawing until his death.
I was amazed by his perception of Perfection.
Anyway, it's really worth to go to the exhibition.
I knew gain knowledge from it and
got to know a lot of things about Leonardo Da Vinci's life.
It is really worth going !!!
2 thumbs up !