Sunday, May 24, 2009


22 May 09

Went Bugis with Huimin, Meilin & Shuhuey !!!!!!!
Actually we were supposed to go Jurong Pt to catch
Night at the Musuem 2 & do our IE project, but
Xinhui went home halfway through lesson as she was not
feeling well.
Xinhui, takecare lars !!!
Was very excited, during lesson I couldnt even concentrate uh !
Bought many stuff I long wanted to buy.
I was very very very Happyyyyyyyyyyyy.

23 May 09

Woke up early early in the morning.
Time really pass so quickly, it had already been 1 yr since
Grandpa passed away.
Went to pray with Granny, Aunt & Family.
These grief serve the purpose as a lesson for me to
appreciate everyone esp both my Granny.

We then went to SGH to visit my Grandauntie.
Need to wear that stupid mask due to H1N1(It's suffocating me !)
I felt so heartbroken to see her in this state, she couldnt
regconise us at all.

It had been such a long time since all of us went shopping !
Mum's working schdule make it almost impossible
for the whole family to go shopping & dine tgt.
I miss those time when every Sat we had our dinner tgt.
Celebrated Dad's Bdae !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ate my favourite Crab, woooooots~
Despite eating packets of Oreo at home while I was watching
Romance of the 3 kingdom with Dad, I still eat a lot.

24 May 09
Went Plaza with my Sis to buy some food.
Then went to Granny house.
Something affected my mood.
I knw the fact that I am Persistent.
I can get very Happy over small matters,
but I also become Moody over small matters.
I dont know why.
This Suck.


  1. Hi hillarie! ^^ Remember me? :)

  2. Of course !!! =] Hw'r u? Btw, link me ! Leave yr blog URL too !

  3. Bcause of your bag arhs ? Dunn be sad largg ^^ CHeer ups !!

  4. OIEEEE, Cheerup lah you.
    Pig arh?

  5. Hillarie - SZEHUIMay 26, 2009 at 4:26 AM

    Ya, nw ok alr !=] Giv me yr new link !!!!!!!!!!

  6. Hillarie - CRYSTALLMay 26, 2009 at 4:27 AM

    I ok liao lah ! I not pig hor ! HAHAHAH

  7. LOL, Birdzxc also can ^^
